Hello! My name is Alex Htut and I am looking for a Software Developer position.



I graduated from University of Washington in June 2019. I majored in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Course # Language Descriptions
CSE 142/143 Intro to Java Programming and Basic Data Structures
CSE 373 Data Structures and Algorithms
CSE 374
Programming Concepts and Tools
CSE 414
Introduction to Data Management
INFO 201 Technical Foundation of Data Science
INDE 315 Probability and Statistics for Engineers
Language Books/Online courses Projects
Automate the Boring Stuff
Learn Python3 the Hard Way
Machine Learning

The Web Developer Bootcamp
Color Guessing Game

The Web Developer Bootcamp
Excel, Tableau, Gretl,
MS SQL Server Mgmt.,
SQL Server Tools for MS Code
Data Science A-Z
Data Preparation with MS SQL Server
Data Modeling with Gretl and Excel
(Confusion Matrix, Cumulative Accurarcy Profile
(CAP), and Logistic Regression)
Data Visualization with Tableau



Web development

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, Node, Express, MongoDB, Heroku

  • Setup the backend system with Node and Express js by using ejs templates and Bootstrap 3 as the main frontend CSS framework.
  • Deployed the site by following modern RESTful protocol and implemented the authentication that redefined access control.
  • Created data schemas for MongoDB with mongoose library to establish persistent memory, and hosted the website on Heroku.

MLB Analysis for Playoff Contention
Data Science and Analytics

R, Plotly, Leaflet, API queries

  • Analyzed MLB teams' past success to win World Series.
  • Developed visual graphs to scout talents, and determined the important factors for front offices to take actions.
  • Completed the report in R markdown and hosted on Shinyapps.io

Flight Service Program
Data Management

Java, SQL, Azure, AWS

  • Developed a mini-service for searching, booking, paying for flights using Java and SQL.
  • Worked with Microsoft Azure Cloud Service to maintain consistent databases for concurrency control.
  • Used the concepts of serializable schedule, locks and Prepared Statements to ensure the consistency between concurrent sessions and to protect SQL injection.

Github Repo
Memory Management
Software Engineering


  • Developed a linked-list like structure memory management similar to C’s default malloc and free functions.
  • Utilized the concepts of addresses and pointer arithmetic to successfully implement the system.

Github Repo
RGB Guessing Game
Front-end Development

HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap

  • Created multi-level color guessing game using fundamentals of front-end development concepts.

Machine Learning Project
Machine Learning

Python, R

  • Used scikit-learn, pandas, numpy, matplotlib libraries to implement different types of regressions, classifications, clustering and deep learning algorithms on kaggle datasets.

Github Repo

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